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A Good Man Was Hard To Find – San Francisco Chronicle

“Why are men so stingy with their sperm?” I griped in passing to the guy next to me at the rehearsal dinner before a friend’s wedding. (They say seating arrangements at a wedding are critical, but this, I’m sure, was unprecedented.) Up to this point I’d been bitching about the irony that lesbians who want to bear children are – dang it all – still at the mercy of men’s whims – or at least their vital fluids. Elizabeth may or may not have known that until the key to sperm-free procreation is discovered, uncle donors are a popular option; the nonbiological mother gets to, in essence, put her two cents in in the form of her brother’s chromosomes. Sure, it would make damn good material for a sitcom: A comedically precocious child copes with two Jewish Moms! […] OK, maybe I shouldn’t have instant-messaged him the request, but, as I saw it, when embarking on the brave new world of AI and IUI, AOL IM seemed apt. […] Emily Post had left me adrift. Is that offer off now that yr getting married? He wrote back: You are right about timing … inform me about logistics as I believe people call it and I guess I’ll do what I can. […] looking back at all that was eventually required of the donor (testing, poking, prodding and most significantly, periodic abstinence), L.A. guy was a lousy choice.

Source: A Good Man Was Hard To Find – San Francisco Chronicle